Naushad Alam
(Founder & M.D.)

Reticulum Educon is a leading platform for students who require reliable and authentic counseling for their future in MEDICINE field. Mr. Naushad Alam is the founder and managing director of this company. Here we put forward all the possible and available options to you so that you are never short of the options and you don’t have to compromise with your DREAM .

Here in Reticulum we allow students to First, think about what they really want Second , dream about their perfect possible option and then Third , believe in us for being unerring with their career and then Fourth , dare to strive through this enduring path of being a DOCTOR .

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Why choose reticulum Educon ?

Key features

  • 1. Qualified and experienced Doctors panel
  • 2. Complete Guidance and counseling
  • 3. Post Admission support and services
  • 4. Direct Approach to the university/ college
  • 5. Selection of best university on the student needs and finance
  • 6. Student safety and comfort
  • 7. Local office Assistance
  • 8. Transparent Approach
  • 9. Local representative
  • 10. Personal Assistance
  • 11.our PSR( PARENT SATISFACTION RATIO) and SSR( student satisfaction ratio) is highest as compared to any counsultancy
  • 12. The student will remain under my guidence till their entire duration of courses
  • 13.our reputation speaks for itself ---- we always prefer to share contact details of our ex- students and student currently studying in various countries with their parent contact details. So if any student wants, they can speaks directly to know the facts and reality about that university on a first hand basis


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Services We Provide

  • One to one intrection with the people and their guardian
  • Unmatched exposure to top notch University of countries like Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Philippines, Malaysia, Nepal, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia ,Azerbaijan
  • All processing of Passport, Visa Stamping, Documantation, Dollers exchange etc by the consultancy
  • Local guardianship & mentorship throught education
  • Country to the population belief, education abroad is cost effective and with in budget
  • All the colleges and universities should be NMC/WHO APPROVED
Embassy Registration

We provide Embassy Registration easily

Airport Assistance

We provide Airport Assistance

University Selection

The proper selection of best University / College

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